SAbe on the Body

"You can go to the library, check out a physiology book, and study it, but that is not the human body. It is just a book about the body. Your real body is an archive like that book, but much more than that book. Everything that has ever been, the possibilities of what could have been, was or might be resides in your body! (We are talking simultaneous time now, not linear time). There is no richer playground than your body. Yes, there are other realities, and you can get out of the body, put the body in a grave, and then you can go play with those realities! But, without putting the body in a grave, those other realities reside inside your body already. (Why die)? You don't have to leave the body to go play. You have to get into the body, and turn it ON."

- SAbe (articulated through Sheradon Bryce)