"What you call love is more like longing. it's different than the love I'm talking about, and it's ususally not a a feeling of joy. On this planet, you have a mis-perception of love and what it's supposed to feel like. You have romantic ideals, fantasies, and a belief that love is always painful.
You see, there are different ways of running energy within the entity that you are. You get either a fullness of Love or the emptiness of longing. usually the latter. But it needn't be so. When you feel totally fulfilled and the love is real Love--honest Love, it's totally unconditional. It is a state of existence rather than an expression in just one direction or toward only one object. It's an excitement for life, a thrill, an enthusiasm. It's a form of "wanting to express" but with child-like beauty. The true god you are is a child-like, wise, entity. When you're truly in Love, you're full. You're so full that you're flooded with it and you want to just spill it out. It usually comes out as playfulness, gentleness, and curiosity. That's love manifested.
Remember that before this system of reality, a Source sourced. All it did was create so much Love and so much original thought that it was the Source. But it didn't organize itself. A Source makes the raw material or pure Love. It generates from a point, and makes something like a tunnel. That's all it does. But if at any point, it took a moment to actually define itself and organize what it's making, it would forget to make more raw material. it would then collapse and self-exterminate.
A Source can do nothing but create an abundance for others to take and organize. The next class of entity that comes along is what we call Creators. Creators cannot create Source. They cannot create the raw stuff. They are the organizers of the Love stuff. They take this raw Love, thought material that everything is made of, and decide what to do with it. They organize it into mass, principles, and realities. This is what creators do. Universally the two jobs are separate. You individuals in these bodies, however, are trying to learn to do both.
In order to organize the raw material (Love) of the universe, a creator must open itself up to funnel Love through itself. A creator must get out of the way by opening itself to become a huge void, an emptiness within. It allows the Love of the universe to flow through so organization can happen.
On this planet, just by virtue of the fract that you have a body, you're a creator. That's what your bodies do. They were designed to help you take the raw material, this abundant life force that's created by Source, and organize it into cells, molecular mass, and structure. You organize it every second of your lives. your bodies teach you to do it. But if you do not also learn to be a Source, you will never know Love in a physical body.
To source means to create so much raw material that there's an abundance. It's never a burden, never a pain, just pure intensities of joy. What you call love, is just moving back into your creator mode. You open up your being, move your own personality aside as if it didn't exist, and you make a grand opening in your being. In this process, if you are tied into guilt the least bit, (which everyone on this planet is) what you pull in is not the raw material of the universe, but recycled junk from everybody's attitudes. So you open up to a state you call love because you don't know what else to call it. But it isn't Love.
Universally speaking, when you were a creating god, pulling that source material through felt pretty good. It felt very grand. You opened up, pulled it through, and orgaized it on the other side. So here you are now, in a body, tyring to go back to the creator mode. You open your being, annihilate your persona, and open to a bottomless pit that can never be filled. I'm calling this longing.
What you really pull in is everyone's thoughts and attitudes. If you're tied to anything in consciousness, you pull that in. Your guilt ties you here in mass to every perspective, to all this stuff that has no life to it. It ties you to the Dead Zone. It ties you to your sub-personalities. It ties into eveyone's images. So you pull them in. As it moves through your embodiment, it soesn't register in your being as Love stuff or the raw material you're looking for. The result is a deep feeeling of longing, a sense of not being whole or complete. The only thing you end up with is an abundance of personal guilt and lack of self-worth.
You've all got to learn to be both things--Creator and Source. You already know how to do the creator part very well, but now you've got to learn to be the Source. The Source part is abundance. It is so abundant that it's the only place you're going to experience pure, true, one hundred pecent Love. It is not lack.
Your lives will run off one law or the other. The law of abundance is Source. The law of lack is the law of the creators who cannot make their own raw material. So for the most part. what you perceive as love here is opening up to take in raw material (the Love stuff) but getting someone else's burdens instead. You open up to what they're giving, but it's not registering because it's not the real thing. The body was created for you to learn how to create your own Love stuff. If you're not doing it, you'll have a tendencey to slip back into the creaotr mode, feeling empty.
When the Love stuff comes in, it's going to go one of two ways. In one way, you open your heart, but there's fear of pulling in all this junk from mass consciousness--everyone's guilts and images. This is the recycled material that the planet thrives on. In it is fear of being hurt, manipulated, and controlled. It's why you stay closed off to Love. It isn't necessarily that Love hurts, becaude real Love doesn't. It's the most abundant feeling you'll ever have. But you've never been taught to create your own, or to generate from deep within your being. The tendency is to go back to the creator mode. Remember, universally, Source and Creators are always kept separate. But this is a school for you to learn to be both and your bodies cna help you generate both. A portion of your journey here is to learn (again) what Love is.
So the other way for the Love stuff to go, is creating abundance. The neurons in your body were created to make abundance. Too often they create circuitry and dysfunction rather than love. Your entire nervous system was created to make this sparking--the firing of the neurons. You can use that neuron firing to actually generate abundance.
If you create an abundance of firing--more firing than you're used to--you'd call it joy. You'd call it excitement for life. you'd call it grand states of Love. It's everything that I would call feeling Love in the body.
When the body fires in the same old pattern, you don't get an abundance of it. But there are times in your life when you get a high for life, a thrill and enjoyment. Those are the times when there's more, and stronger neuron firing--and cellular firing, too--in your body. This comes from going within and getting those nucleus systems working for you so that you get a bigger charge. Then you fire at a higher, faster, more intense rate than the body can use. This is Source. Then each time they fire and the energy goes outward, you feel it leave your body through your cells, through your molecular mass. This is intesity in the body that you will covet once you feel it. When your neurons and your cellular mass are firing at such a beautiful strong pace, it passes out beyond the cellular skin. You feel your own neuron patterns firing outside the skin and it feels fantastic! You feel bubbly, as if you're in love! you feel an excitement for life with a thrill and a marvel!
If some of your ancestors--somewhere back there genetically--learned how to do this, it will be easier for you. If they didn't you'll have to be the pioneer. You'll have to let yourselves radiate without guilt. If you have guilt about being yourselves, then you tend to close down more of your body, mind, and brain system. Your neurons, then, have a harder time firing through the molecular and cellular mass to feel the abundacne called love. But you all can learn it.
- Philip (articulated through Sheradon Bryce) from Love, Longing, and Games of Guilt
You see, there are different ways of running energy within the entity that you are. You get either a fullness of Love or the emptiness of longing. usually the latter. But it needn't be so. When you feel totally fulfilled and the love is real Love--honest Love, it's totally unconditional. It is a state of existence rather than an expression in just one direction or toward only one object. It's an excitement for life, a thrill, an enthusiasm. It's a form of "wanting to express" but with child-like beauty. The true god you are is a child-like, wise, entity. When you're truly in Love, you're full. You're so full that you're flooded with it and you want to just spill it out. It usually comes out as playfulness, gentleness, and curiosity. That's love manifested.
Remember that before this system of reality, a Source sourced. All it did was create so much Love and so much original thought that it was the Source. But it didn't organize itself. A Source makes the raw material or pure Love. It generates from a point, and makes something like a tunnel. That's all it does. But if at any point, it took a moment to actually define itself and organize what it's making, it would forget to make more raw material. it would then collapse and self-exterminate.
A Source can do nothing but create an abundance for others to take and organize. The next class of entity that comes along is what we call Creators. Creators cannot create Source. They cannot create the raw stuff. They are the organizers of the Love stuff. They take this raw Love, thought material that everything is made of, and decide what to do with it. They organize it into mass, principles, and realities. This is what creators do. Universally the two jobs are separate. You individuals in these bodies, however, are trying to learn to do both.
In order to organize the raw material (Love) of the universe, a creator must open itself up to funnel Love through itself. A creator must get out of the way by opening itself to become a huge void, an emptiness within. It allows the Love of the universe to flow through so organization can happen.
On this planet, just by virtue of the fract that you have a body, you're a creator. That's what your bodies do. They were designed to help you take the raw material, this abundant life force that's created by Source, and organize it into cells, molecular mass, and structure. You organize it every second of your lives. your bodies teach you to do it. But if you do not also learn to be a Source, you will never know Love in a physical body.
To source means to create so much raw material that there's an abundance. It's never a burden, never a pain, just pure intensities of joy. What you call love, is just moving back into your creator mode. You open up your being, move your own personality aside as if it didn't exist, and you make a grand opening in your being. In this process, if you are tied into guilt the least bit, (which everyone on this planet is) what you pull in is not the raw material of the universe, but recycled junk from everybody's attitudes. So you open up to a state you call love because you don't know what else to call it. But it isn't Love.
Universally speaking, when you were a creating god, pulling that source material through felt pretty good. It felt very grand. You opened up, pulled it through, and orgaized it on the other side. So here you are now, in a body, tyring to go back to the creator mode. You open your being, annihilate your persona, and open to a bottomless pit that can never be filled. I'm calling this longing.
What you really pull in is everyone's thoughts and attitudes. If you're tied to anything in consciousness, you pull that in. Your guilt ties you here in mass to every perspective, to all this stuff that has no life to it. It ties you to the Dead Zone. It ties you to your sub-personalities. It ties into eveyone's images. So you pull them in. As it moves through your embodiment, it soesn't register in your being as Love stuff or the raw material you're looking for. The result is a deep feeeling of longing, a sense of not being whole or complete. The only thing you end up with is an abundance of personal guilt and lack of self-worth.
You've all got to learn to be both things--Creator and Source. You already know how to do the creator part very well, but now you've got to learn to be the Source. The Source part is abundance. It is so abundant that it's the only place you're going to experience pure, true, one hundred pecent Love. It is not lack.
Your lives will run off one law or the other. The law of abundance is Source. The law of lack is the law of the creators who cannot make their own raw material. So for the most part. what you perceive as love here is opening up to take in raw material (the Love stuff) but getting someone else's burdens instead. You open up to what they're giving, but it's not registering because it's not the real thing. The body was created for you to learn how to create your own Love stuff. If you're not doing it, you'll have a tendencey to slip back into the creaotr mode, feeling empty.
When the Love stuff comes in, it's going to go one of two ways. In one way, you open your heart, but there's fear of pulling in all this junk from mass consciousness--everyone's guilts and images. This is the recycled material that the planet thrives on. In it is fear of being hurt, manipulated, and controlled. It's why you stay closed off to Love. It isn't necessarily that Love hurts, becaude real Love doesn't. It's the most abundant feeling you'll ever have. But you've never been taught to create your own, or to generate from deep within your being. The tendency is to go back to the creator mode. Remember, universally, Source and Creators are always kept separate. But this is a school for you to learn to be both and your bodies cna help you generate both. A portion of your journey here is to learn (again) what Love is.
So the other way for the Love stuff to go, is creating abundance. The neurons in your body were created to make abundance. Too often they create circuitry and dysfunction rather than love. Your entire nervous system was created to make this sparking--the firing of the neurons. You can use that neuron firing to actually generate abundance.
If you create an abundance of firing--more firing than you're used to--you'd call it joy. You'd call it excitement for life. you'd call it grand states of Love. It's everything that I would call feeling Love in the body.
When the body fires in the same old pattern, you don't get an abundance of it. But there are times in your life when you get a high for life, a thrill and enjoyment. Those are the times when there's more, and stronger neuron firing--and cellular firing, too--in your body. This comes from going within and getting those nucleus systems working for you so that you get a bigger charge. Then you fire at a higher, faster, more intense rate than the body can use. This is Source. Then each time they fire and the energy goes outward, you feel it leave your body through your cells, through your molecular mass. This is intesity in the body that you will covet once you feel it. When your neurons and your cellular mass are firing at such a beautiful strong pace, it passes out beyond the cellular skin. You feel your own neuron patterns firing outside the skin and it feels fantastic! You feel bubbly, as if you're in love! you feel an excitement for life with a thrill and a marvel!
If some of your ancestors--somewhere back there genetically--learned how to do this, it will be easier for you. If they didn't you'll have to be the pioneer. You'll have to let yourselves radiate without guilt. If you have guilt about being yourselves, then you tend to close down more of your body, mind, and brain system. Your neurons, then, have a harder time firing through the molecular and cellular mass to feel the abundacne called love. But you all can learn it.
- Philip (articulated through Sheradon Bryce) from Love, Longing, and Games of Guilt